The Butterfly Effect MAUI
"Be the Effect"
Aquadelics had an amazing time spreading our wings this weekend, blossoming into beautiful radiant butterflies with the MAUI community! Supporting a women's movement day on MAUI we'd thank you Butterfly effect for encouraging woman of any shape, size, color, fast or slow movement to all come together on this special day every year. We loved the interactive activities of women performers such as, traditional Hawaiian dancing, belly dancing, kapoyera dancing, painting, prize give aways and of course the water activities.
Cant wait until next year! BE the effect, be the change and be your self!
"Join the original water woman movement in the non-competitive downwind event on Maui! Let's get together to build community, celebrate life, and give thanks to the ocean for all it gives us.
Thanks to the community we have an awesome fitness week lined up starting on April 10th for all registered participants.
Full event details and schedule can be found on the website:
Direct online registration link: http://betheeffect.com/
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Tatiana at info@betheeffect.com "